Unlimited: Come to Jesus with Confidence
Dec 4, 2019 2087
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews, 4:16, NIV).
One of sin’s biggest debit swipe-card achievements is to gain access to your Jesus-trust account. It will deplete your spiritual account of confidence and complete trust in Jesus and his full and free gift of salvation.
Christ’s invitation to you and me is to come boldly into his presence. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews, 4:16).
Come in faith! Come with confidence! Come as you are with no pretence to self-sufficiency or goodness in your own right. No so-called righteousness or self-attire will sneak past God’s holiness scanner.
Be sure not to bring anything of your own to God’s throne of grace except a humble spirit. Heaven’s alarm system is on full alert if you attempt to gate-crash in your own gown of so-called goodness.
You can only feel confident in Christ’s presence wearing the robe of his righteousness, which is yours free of charge. Your own spiritual achievements count for nothing.
If you rely on your own achievements, you are bound to feel fearful and there will be no joy in your Christian life. You will fall into the trap of pride, defensiveness, and criticism of others, instead of rejoicing in the assurance that what Jesus has done for you is ALL that you will ever need to have peace with God and your fellow human beings.
– Bilyana De Soto
Eli’s Reflection:Are your fears and anxieties increasing? Do you take them to Jesus regularly? You no longer have to rely on yourself because of the work of Jesus on the Cross. Lay your burdens at his feet.
God is good all of a time. I believe in Jesus. God bless you
Amen, Bilyana :-). God is good!
Robin Hahn
Dec 21, 2019
Bilyana's metaphors aptly illustrate her powerful message because of their relevance to our times. That entire trust-in-Jesus approach to life too often becomes merely a vacant platitude because we've allowed daily life and the struggles with sin to deplete our Jesus-Trust account. Here is where a reconnect with the Saviour makes such a difference. Thank you for these words, Bilyana.