Unlimited: The Faith Reported All Over The World

Mar 31, 2022 891

Unlimited: Thank God for Your Faith

because your faith is being reported all over the world (Romans 1:8b).

The reason why Paul gives thanks is because the faith of the believers in Rome “is being reported all over the world.”

It wasn’t easy being a follower of Jesus in Rome. Rome was the capital of the Roman empire, the centre of Roman power, the cult of the emperor, and the focal point of every perverted idea and wickedness. Despite this, the believers in Rome shone the torch brightly through their faith in Jesus.

The faith of the first Christians was so unique that news of it spread like wildfire, although it challenged the society and culture of the day to its very foundations. After all, they worshipped a poor carpenter who had been executed as a rebel against Rome, and they taught that he had risen from the dead.

The faith of the first Christians was so unique that news of it spread like wildfire.

The faith of the first Christians was also reported around the world because of the way that these beliefs compelled them to live. They were known for the love that they had, not only for one another, but for those whom society had rejected and forgotten. This wasn’t the kind of love that was commonly understood. It was a very special kind of love. It was sacrificial love that put others first.

There was certainly something very strange about these first followers of Jesus, and also something very attractive.

Spiritual Application

Christ’s message and his power are still the same. Do people find the way you relate to them attractive?

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News

Okurut Martin

Apr 1, 2022

Faith is the most quickening aspect when it comes to meracles but it works most when you share the same pain others feel and hoping others better when they are crippled by circumstances. Traditionally we have a proverb that say "who can wipe the tears of a whipping monkey?". It's him who has symphathy and Love for the creation.

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