Unlimited: The Message We Proclaim
Apr 14, 2023 1267
…that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim: 9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:8b–9).
The message that Paul and his fellow apostles proclaim is not the righteousness of the law; it is the righteousness that is by faith.
It isn’t a righteousness that is far away from you; it is actually as close as your own mouth, and as close as your own heart. It is Jesus who is the Lord and Saviour. Paul says that if you declare this with your mouth and believe it in your heart, you will be saved. The reason why you will be saved is because God will credit Jesus’ righteousness to your account.
The Gospel doesn’t make salvation difficult. That’s what false religion does.
The message that Paul and his fellow apostles proclaim is the righteousness that is by faith.
What is the connection between the mouth and the heart? What Paul is telling us here is that only a heart-confession saves; merely saying the words, “Jesus is Lord” is meaningless. Outward forms mean nothing to God: only the heart surrendered in faith is acceptable to him. Your mouth must be connected to your heart. Then the words which your mouth speaks will be a true confession of faith.
Notice also how central the resurrection of the Son of God is to our salvation. Without Christ being alive, there would have been no salvation for anyone. Christ’s resurrection declares the victory of righteousness over sin, and of life over death.
Spiritual Application
Take a moment to think of, or look up, a worship song or hymn that announces that “Jesus is Lord.” Listen the song, and then respond in prayerful praise.
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