Unlimited: The Most Relevant Name in the World

Dec 18, 2019 1646

Unlimited: The Most Relevant Name in the World

The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means “God with us”) (Matthew 1:23, NIV).

What do you think of when somebody says “Jesus saves”? Do you immediately switch off because you’re about to hear something that isn’t relevant to your life? Or perhaps you don’t really know who Jesus is, and you’re not interested? But Jesus’ name is actually the most relevant name you will ever come to know.

Most people live lives that are far from perfect, and they would like to change many things. Perhaps you would like to overcome an addiction, or you need to heal emotionally.  Maybe you just feel lost and would like some direction. Or perhaps you simply feel that life is meaningless. No matter what kind of change you’d like in your life, Jesus can change your reality here and now. Not only that, he can be your Saviour for eternity.

From the moment you give your life to Christ, He begins to change your current reality. He forgives the wrong things you’ve done. He cleanses you completely, gives you a fresh new start – “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”  (1 John 1:19)

The burden of guilt, worry, fear, and the pain of shame – they are lifted from you in Jesus name.

Jesus changes everything. He changes our identity. He changes our hope and our grieving. He changes our perspective. He changes our desires. He injects joy into our lives and changes us from the inside out. He has promised this and when you cooperate with Him, you discover that he really does keep his promises.

– Bilyana De Soto

Eli’s Reflection:When you face pain, loss, disappointment, and fear, take a moment to say the name of Jesus again and again. There is power in his name. Jesus really does change everything. What has he changed in your life recently?

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