Unlimited: You Can Tell God’s True Church From The False

Mar 28, 2025 1652

Unlimited: You Can Tell God’s True Church From The False

We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren (1 John 3:14).

Jerusalem becomes Babylon when it offers only rest instead of rest conjoined with battle. Babylon knows only a gospel of good advice and good views instead of the good news.

Babylon has a series of orthodox works and beliefs that bring artificial rest rather than the ecstatic gladness resulting from the knowledge that our sins have been dealt with and the decision (acquittal) of the Last Judgement is ours already.

Babylon has much to say about man while the true church points first to what God has done in the God-man. Babylon fears the second coming and finds witnessing a burden, but the true church, having accepted Christ’s atonement is ready today through His imputed merits. And it loves to witness to God’s other lost children, telling them they have already been redeemed (See Romans 5:14-19.)

A church is not a church when it ceases to bring forth the unselfish fruit of love that results from a living union with the Redeemer.

The false church preaches itself rather than its Lord and has forgotten that justification comes freely through the grace of God, meritoriously by the blood of Christ, instrumentally by faith, and evidentially by willing works of love.

– Des Ford (adapted)

Eli’s Reflection: We must make our Christianity not about ourselves, but about our Lord. Reflect on your own Christian life. How can you make it more about Jesus?

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Mar 27, 2020

It's always been nice and fulfilling reading all the inspiration and undiluted word of God from you. I just want more highlight on a good advice and the good news. Thank you.

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