What’s Wrong With the Gospel? – by Eliezer Gonzalez

Jun 28, 2016 3793

wrong with the gospel

There must be something wrong with the Gospel. Otherwise, why would people keep adding to it all the time? Why do would so many try to reshape it to suit their own ideas?

It was simple to begin with. The Lord Jesus came back from the dead and told his followers to share the good news with everyone that he had died for the forgiveness of the sins of the world, of which his resurrection was the proof, so that all who believed in him would live forever.

For some people, the Gospel became more of a social agenda. Transforming our societies and social structures was what it all became about.

For other people, the Gospel became primarily a community, so if you felt good about the people you worshipped with, then you knew you were on a good thing.

For other people, the Gospel became principally a set of ethical standards for living, so that if you followed them you would stand a better chance of salvation.

For other people, the Gospel became their church creed or church beliefs – whatever set of beliefs their church determined was the gospel. So that if they agreed with those, then they had the truth, they had the gospel.

Perhaps it’s not the Gospel that’s wrong, but it’s us who are wrong. Perhaps it’s our own agendas that get in the way of the simple, clear message of the Gospel. Perhaps what the Gospel is all about was never what we always wanted it to be about. It never was about us and our own agendas.

Perhaps it’s not the Gospel that’s wrong, but it’s us who are wrong.

Here is the Gospel, from the lips of Peter, shortly after Pentecost, who, filled with the Holy Spirit, said:

…Jesus Christ of Nazareth… crucified but whom God raised from the dead… Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” – Acts 4:10,12

Now listen to the words of this crucified and risen One about how this salvation is offered to all:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal lifeJohn 3:16.

To surrender to this Christ and to this message is to be right in the heart of God. Commit yourself again to the Good News of Jesus today.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

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