When God Commands You To Weep

May 18, 2021 1136

When God Commands You To Weep

When God Commands You To Weep

Did you know that God actually commands you to weep? You didn’t? Well, here’s what he says:

…weep with those who weep

What God is telling us here is to empathise with others, to enter into their experiences and to feel as they feel. He is telling us to be compassionate and not to just jump to solutions or to condemnation.

Jesus gave us an example, when outside the tomb of Lazarus, it says that,

Jesus wept (John 11:35).

Why does Jesus weep? After all, he knows that he is going make everything right. Jesus weeps because love never refuses to enter into the suffering of others.

That’s the basis of the whole Christian story.

Those who choose to follow Jesus are commanded to enter into the suffering of others. The call of Jesus is a call to suffer, because it is a call to love.

So, remember: Choose compassion. 

Eliezer Gonzalez

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