Why Do We Need to Ask For Forgiveness?
Jul 12, 2021 6602

Here is a simple question: if you are a child of God, why do we need to ask for forgiveness?
The answer to this may seem simple, but the obvious answer might be wrong!
The answer would seem to be that we need to ask forgiveness every time we sin because sin separates us from God, and if the sin we have committed isn’t forgiven, we will lose our salvation. That seems quite right and reasonable, doesn’t it? Except it isn’t.
If you have accepted salvation through Jesus Christ and you are his child, then there is no such thing as being in and out of salvation every time you stumble. The idea of a God who withdraws his salvation from his children every time they show the least bit of self-centredness is horrendous and against the Gospel.
If you are a child of God, why do we need to ask for forgiveness?
Imagine a godly woman who despite the hardship of her life, has a deep relationship with Jesus based on faith, and who lives a Christ-like life. But in the midst of the pressures of her life, she speaks a harsh word to her husband one morning before he goes to work. She doesn’t have a chance to ask God for forgiveness, because in a tragic accident soon after that morning, she dies. Can you love a God who would withhold salvation from her? No, and this is not who God is or how he acts with his children.
If you are a child of God then you remain saved as a child of God. The criteria for your salvation is not the level of sinlessness in your life, but rather your faith.
So, why then is it necessary for us to ask for forgiveness every time we sin? It is for the sake of our relationship with Christ. The reason is because sin, if it is not dealt with through the Cross, separates us from God. Sin is corrosive and toxic. If left unconfessed in our beings, it will slowly destroy our faith. We continually confess our sins in order to keep expressing our faith in Christ so that we don’t wander away from God.
We confess our sin and repent because we value our relationship with Jesus above all.
We confess our sins to God because our relationship with our God is to be based on openness, transparency, and honesty. We ask God to forgive us because we don’t want anything to stand between us and our Saviour. We continually surrender our lives to him, and lay our burdens at our Saviour’s feet.
When we have been saved, and we fall, we ask God to forgive us because we are aware of how serious our sin is, and what it cost God at Calvary. We ask God to forgive us so that we may never forget that he has already forgiven us at the Cross. We confess our sin and repent because we value our relationship with Jesus above all.
We are saved the moment we believe and as long as we believe. Our sins of the past, present and future are always forgiven. That is the meaning of righteousness through faith. It is the justification of our entire life.
Within our saving relationship with God, we are always a penitent, and so we always repent. At the same time, we are always right with God, and so we always rejoice:
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! (Phil 4:4).
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Hallelujah,all have been paid for by the Lord Jesus. Glory to God.
Amen Eli. What a precious truth!
Jack Green
Sep 25, 2022
I would ask for you to write this page of words with which I agree, but since I have it, I will thank you for it. I am thankful for what I have been given; I do not keep asking for it. By continually asking, someone could think that I do not know that you have already given it; or could think they have to ask for it over and over too. In reality they only have to accept the page because the page was given before it was asked for. Thank you.