You Will Be a Blessing

Jul 19, 2021 3360

You Will Be a Blessing

The Lord has promised you that no matter how dark your past may have been, you will be a blessing. Even if you have been a curse to others, having caused them great harm, he can cause you to become a blessing. The Lord says,

Just as you, Judah and Israel, have been a curse among the nations, so I will save you, and you will be a blessing.  Do not be afraid, but let your hands be strong (Zech 8:13).

God had raised up his people, which before the time of the prophet Zechariah had split into the two nations of Judah and Israel. God’s purpose in raising them up had been so that they might preserve the truth of God’s salvation and share the light of the knowledge of God with the nations around them. Instead of doing this, Judah and Israel had adopted the idolatrous worship and corrupt customs of the nations around them. Instead of being a blessing to them, they had become a curse.

Indeed, they had become such a curse, that by the time that Zechariah is writing, both nations have fallen and had ceased to be: the nation of Israel had been destroyed around 722 B.C., and Judah had been destroyed in 568 B.C. Yet, even then, God tells them that he can still work so that they may be a blessing!

You can either be a curse or be a blessing.

There are many ways in which we might have been a curse to others. If you have been a perpetrator of crime or an abuser of others, then you have obviously been a curse. If you have the insight to be able to look back at a failed relationship and realised that you were at fault, then perhaps you have been a ”curse” in that context. We have all lived different lives in different circumstances. I can certainly look back and see people who have been a “curse” in my life, although I can still think of them in love.

However, this is not about blaming others. If we can’t apply the important lessons of life to ourselves, then we have wasted a journey.

As I look back at my own life, I can see how I have been a curse to others in the past. Largely, it was because of my misguided ideas about God and religion, and how they affected every area of my life. I can say that I believe that that has well and truly changed.

No matter how dark your past may have been, you will be a blessing.

What about you? Could it be possible that you are a curse to your spouse, others in your family, to those who know you, or in extreme cases, even to the whole community?

How could you possibly be a curse? You could be a curse if you use fear, control and manipulation to force the behaviour of others. You could be a curse if others don’t feel at free and at peace around you. These are serious issues and call for a depth of self-awareness that most people never achieve.

Only the Spirit of God can reveal these kinds of things to you about yourself. And, as difficult as it may seem, only God can transform your life so that you will not only cease being a curse, but so that you will be a blessing to all, wherever you go.

Eliezer Gonzalez

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Frank sisi

Aug 8, 2021

Amen Halelujar Praise thé lord Thank you Jesus i CLAIM IT AND RECEIVE IT IN JESUS MIGTHY NAME

Eliezer Gonzalez

Jul 26, 2021

Yes! That's right!

Samuel Nantwi

Jul 25, 2021

You always bless my life with the word of God. God bless you for such a powerful message

Anayo Celestine Eluchie

Jul 25, 2021

Amen And Amen I receive it in Jesus mighty name amen, I wish you happy blessed Sunday, more Grace Sir thanks Shalom.

Tony Adams

Jul 25, 2021

Amen ,am highly blessed. Pastor ,may the Almighty inundate with more wisdom, understanding, anoint the more and increase the love of disseminating the words of kingdom in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

tony berrigan

Jul 25, 2021

Amen Amen and Amen. My personal philosophy that keeps me free from condemnation and fear is this. We have been FREED FROM SIN (rom 6) this places us back into the same position Adam was in, not just before the fall, but before THE commandment (not to eat of that fruit) was given - and that is important - IT MAKES OUR REDEMPTION FULLY SECURE. Such grace and freedom drives the legalists crazy. The mob went into a frenzy bighting and stoning Stephen because he said 'you always resist the Holy Ghost' - the goodness and power of God. Gods love for us has no limits and knows no bounds. Blessed be His holy name.

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