Your God Is A Mighty Warrior

Feb 16, 2017 3465

Radio Version:

Your God Is A Mighty Warrior

At school, I was bullied a bit. I remember once spending a whole period locked up in someone’s empty locker, But I had a secret weapon.

I’d made sure that I was friends with the biggest, toughest kid in my class. I still remember this friend of mine hoisting one of the bullies up by his shirt-collar high against the locker-room wall, telling him what would happen to him if he touched me again.

There are times when you feel so down and out, that the picture of the “gentle Jesus, meek and mild,” isn’t quite what you need. But did you know that the most common image of God in the Bible is of God as a warrior?

The Lord is on your side when you feel helpless and overwhelmed. He’s on your side when you put your trust in him.

When you’re going through tough times, remember that the Lord is a mighty warrior, and he fights for you.

Eliezer Gonzalez

God is a mighty warrior

God is a mighty warrior, and he fights for you.

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