The Year of Our Lord – 2015 New Year’s Message from Eliezer Gonzalez

Dec 28, 2014 4004

Anno DominiThe old-fashioned way of referring to years, as in “the two thousand and fifteenth year or our Lord” is not just a quaint expression. It is abbreviated as “A.D.”, which is from the Latin “Anno Domini” – the Year of Our Lord.

It contains the awesome truth that even time itself after the victory of our Lord at Calvary belongs to Him – and every year. It is a confession of Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords – and as our Lord!

It is a proclamation of the gospel itself! You remember that when Jesus’ burst onto the scene in public ministry in Nazareth, he quoted the words of the prophet Isaiah when he announced,

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,

because the Lord has anointed me.

He has sent me to preach good news to the poor,

to proclaim release to the prisoners

and recovery of sight to the blind,

to liberate the oppressed,

and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. – Luke 4:18–19

In these words, Jesus was referring to the Old Testament “Year of Jubilee,” in which every seven years, wonderful things happened! Debts were forgiven, slaves were set free, and everything returned to the rightful owners. It was a huge year of celebration!

What Jesus was saying was that he had come to bring one massive Year of Jubilee to this world, and that because of what he would do at Calvary, we would live every year in the Year of Jubilee.

Because of his victory over sin and death, today Jesus Christ is the Lord of time, the Lord of space, the Lord of every relationship, the Lord of every good thing, and the Lord of us.

And of course he is the Lord of 2015. It is the year for the announcing of good news. It is the year for the gospel. It is truly the year of our Lord.

This year will certainly bring blessings to you. It may also bring apparent evil. Whatever the Lord may allow to come to you in this new year, trust in him. Commit yourself to him. Never let go of Christ’s hand of love, because he will never let go of you.

May 2015 be to you a year of grace. May it truly be “the year of our Lord.” Dedicate it to him. Acknowledge him. And praise him in all things.

To everyone in the GNU Family

Happy new year!

– Eliezer

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