Living Under False Illusions – by Desmond Ford

Feb 10, 2015 1879

4.1.1When I was a boy and used to go to the show and they had the boxers, wrestling, dancing girls and all the places where you could buy this and buy that, we kids would always buy fairy floss and you would get this whole heap of stuff which was just sugar and coloring but it tasted beautiful – to a kid. I never thought about dentist’s chairs. Fairy fluff looked good, tasted good and was gone in 5 minutes!

Most of the things in life that appeal are like that. So the point I am making is, don’t make my mistake when I was a little boy. This is difficult. This people are made this way? No, no, they made themselves this way.

I make myself by all my minute decisions. The Spirit of God moves upon everyone of us from the earliest moments of consciousness as to whether we will be nasty or good, whether we will be kind or cruel, whether we will go for the truth or whether we prefer comfortable illusions.

Most people live under illusions and are only awakened by a doctor’s verdict or something like that. Most people live under the illusions, that they they are going to live forever! Not really, if you ask them, but they live as though they are going to live forever, as though there is no judgment day, as though there is no old age, as though there is no reckoning. Most people live under illusion, as though they are their own, as though they were not bought, as though they don’t belong to God by creation and by redemption.

Because most people live under illusions, I make my own soil and decide whether my heart is good to bring forth a hundredfold or whether it is going to be filled with thorns, or whether just going to have superficial soil or whether it is going to be hard like a road –that depends on all the choices I have made.

When Christ quoted Isaiah he says, “They won’t hear, they won’t see and they won’t understand because they have made their hearts gross.”

So here is the solemn business about living. Life is like a boy on a bicycle, you either go on or you go off; you are either getting better or getting bitter. We are never just the same. And when Christ comes, the more clearly he comes into focus, the more dangerous the moment, but the more blessed if I react properly.

I am never the same after Christ has passed by. No one remains the same person after hearing the Gospel. You are either a lot better or a lot worse . There is no neutrality, none whatever!

– Des Ford (From “Why the Gospel Isn’t Rushed”)

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