A Bee in My Overalls
May 18, 2021 1163
A Bee in My Overalls
When I was growing up in suburban Sydney, I used to keep bees. Yes, really.
I wore a pair of overalls with gloves, boots and a beekeepers veil and helmet. But still, there was always one bee that would manage to get inside my clothes! And stuck in there, the poor thing just became angrier and angrier, buzzing louder and louder.
For a time I would forget everything else except for trying to get that bee before it got me, jumping up and down, wildly slapping different parts of my body. And the bee always seemed to win.
Life’s a bit like that. All of us have those annoying bees in our overalls.
It’s often the little things in our lives that annoy us the most. They distract us from who we want to be.
Remember: It’s Jesus who gets your life in focus… and he can help you deal with those bees in your overalls too.
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