Calvary: Preview of the End of the World

Sep 17, 2014 1932

Calvary: Preview of the End of the World
by Desmond Ford

“Calvary: Preview of the End of the World” 1



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We live in a dysfunctional world. Our world is burdened with the breakup of the family, with the threat of terrorism, and with rampant suicide. All this is given some sort of meaning when we realize that we are a theater to the universe. Jesus,the great realist, promised that these sad events are signs of his coming consummation.

“Calvary: Preview of the End of the World” 2



One reason our world is so tragic is that we have forgotten we are made in the image of God. Modern ideologies are making us in the image of society. Yet more and more people are becoming uncomfortable with the idea that human life came about by chance. Evidence points to a Creator. If there is a God, there is an afterlife. Eschatology is the study of the usheringin of that afterlife, the study of last-day events.

“Calvary: Preview of the End of the World” 3



Eschatology is the study of last-day events, and tells us that the return of Christ is the Blessed Hope. The whole Bible is full of the eschatological Blessed Hope. The Old Testament is promise, the Gospel are fulfillment, and the return of Christ is the Blessed Hope’s consummation.

“Calvary: Preview of the End of the World” 4



The thesis of this series is that the closing events of Christ’s life prefigure the closing events of earth’s history. The New Testament portrays Calvary as ushering in end-times. Christ’s cry on the cross, “It is finished!” is a theme throughout the Bible. Christ’s Passion Week pictures beforehand the finishing of God’s work on earth at history’s end.

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