Strength for the Weak

Feb 17, 2017 2408

Radio Version:

Strength for the Weak

Statistics say that one in five Australians experience mental illness every year. You may have a family member who is suffering right now. Perhaps it’s you.

The Bible doesn’t say that if you have a relationship with the Lord, you will always be a happy, shiny Christian, or that nothing will discourage you.

A man came to Jesus, asking him to cure his son. This man admitted that he had some faith, but his faith was mixed with doubt. Jesus cured his son. This was his prayer,

I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!Mark 9:24

Just like that man, our faith isn’t perfect. We are weak. We fall and we stumble. But Jesus is quick to stand beside us in his strength.

If you’re dealing with a mental health issue, remember God is with you, and don’t be afraid to have a chat with a caring health professional.

Eliezer Gonzalez

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Jesus is quick to stand beside us in his strength.

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