The Gospel and Those Crazy People – by Milton Hook

Jun 7, 2015 2497

Jesus PreachingThe ministry of Jesus was just beginning to gain traction. Some miracles had taken place. His name had spread throughout Palestine and many had journeyed north to Capernaum to see Him and listen to Him.

One day He was obstructed in a house, squashed on all sides by a sweaty crowd that had packed in like sardines in order to hear Him. His few disciples were caught in the same predicament and were powerless to help. Well-meaning close friends or family members came rushing to His aid. He really didn’t need their help but they fought their way inside to rescue Him, yelling out, “He is out of His mind” (Mark 3:21).

Was it a ruse to disperse the crowd? Or did they really believe He was gaga? I think they believed He had suffered a mental breakdown of some sort and needed TLC in a quiet nook away from the crowd.

The accusation of being a fruitcake was not the last time a bearer of glad tidings would suffer vilification. Festus listened to Paul’s defence and finally blurted out, “You are out of your mind, Paul. Your great learning is driving you insane!” (Acts 26:24).

What is it about the good news that makes some listeners think the messenger is mad?

– Milton Hook

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