The Path of Gentleness

Oct 17, 2018 2177

Radio Version:

The Path of Gentleness

I did a horrible thing to a friend of mine in junior high school.

He’d done something to me first, and like they say, revenge is a dish best served cold.

My mum used to put an orange in my lunch every day, cut in half.

So I waited until lunch, I took my half orange and found this guy in the tuck shop queue. I grabbed the back of his head with one hand, and then slowly but firmly juiced my orange on his nose with the other.

That’s what society too often likes to see: people who get on top by putting others down.

But now I know a better way: the path of gentleness. That’s the way of Jesus.

Jesus teaches us that the greatest victories are won through love and gentleness. That’s how he won the victory at the Cross: not through shouting, shoving, or punching, but through compassion and forgiveness. Remember: They’re the greatest victories of all.

Eliezer Gonzalez

The Path of Gentleness

The greatest victories are won through love and gentleness.

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