True Love

Jun 7, 2017 2108

Radio Version:

True Love

Many people only ever know love as a constant struggle, a tug-of-war in which you only ever feel loved, if you do what is expected of you, and if you give in return.

But Calvary is God’s earth-shattering revelation of a new reality – a new kind of love that Jesus brought into the world. The Bible says,

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom 5:8, NIV).

Here’s the difference between the love of God and every kind of human love: We love the lovely, but God loves the unlovable. That’s the very heart of the Gospel. We spend our lives running around frantically, trying to make ourselves lovely enough to be loved, but remember: God has already declared you loved when he gave his Son for you.

Eliezer Gonzalez

True Love
God loves the unlovable. That is true love.

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